​​Eczema. Allopathic/Conventional Medicine v Homeopathy
The conventional approach actually does not resolve eczema as the process is suppressive and not curative.
The direction of assistance is initially cortisone applications and antibiotics. Fingers crossed they will grow out of it.
With homeopathic treatment; they definitely will grow out of it.
A younger child is more easily treated than an adult where the skin and the gut has become even more confused by steroids of often increasing strengths and antibiotics.
Eczema is never just a skin problem. the roots often lie in genetic inheritance, frequently with a mix of pharmaceuticals to compound the issue. A form of chronic dermatitis, the top layers of skin become inflamed usually with itching, scaling, redness and scabbing. It may be dry or ooze and bleed when scratched. The poor immune system is overloaded to the point where many, if not most eczema becomes an auto immune condition.
Typically in babies it may appear on the trunk of the body and the creases of the elbows and knees, or the ankles and feet, the neck , behind the ears, the face and around the eyes. The first port of call is the GP. Steroids such as a hydrocortisone 1% or less may be offered and it helps. Then the eczema returns, often the dry skin becoming broken. It then appears in the creases. After using steroids; its then often systemic. There to stay.
Babies are often easier to treat as they have had less suppression of the symptoms.
The skin, the largest organ of the body, will express inner disturbance from gut level, in the process of protecting the more inaccessible more important inner organs. What clever bodies we have!
Steroids come in many strengths and the stronger they go to suppress, the longer the use of gentle and natural clearing with homeopathic medicine (termed "remedies", to differentiate them from the raw crude dose of a generic pharmaceutical application.) We know that each person, is needing individual treatment.
A full case history marks the timeline and family history.
Toxins; inherited DNA, supressed initial symptoms, emotional aspects and so on are woven into the individual picture.
The children I treat can take up to two years to clear eczema but with homeopathy and patience, it goes, leaving a strong and healthy constitution and an absence of skin issues and flares. For two years this treatment is a full consultation and a follow up three monthly.
With generic pharmaceuticals it comes back. It affects the whole family.
Homeopathy works to trigger healing gently and is NOT the quick fix many people want from a steroid, which may seem to help but then comes back every time.
Sudden acute outbreaks can be triggered by various allergens: plants, chemicals, metal jewellery and emotional stress.
There is a link between allergies and eczema. Sufferers who have allergies also have persistent eczema flare ups which are complicated by histamine reactions.
Allergen searching for the problem, causes further confusion for the parents or sufferer. Foods or chemicals are only triggers, while the cause really lies in the current imbalance of the person. As the eczema clears; the allergies become diffused and eventually resolve.
Its all connected.
​​Success can take up to three years, maybe two; although babies can be much quicker as they have had fewer steroids. One thing is certain with conventional applications of creams, the eczema will not be resolved. With homeopathy, it will.
I rarely if ever take people OFF steroid creams for the first three months while homeopathy is doing its hardest work in the background although we may try mixing it with a natural cream.​​​​
​​Follow up is booked for two to three months after the consultation and costs £70. I offer support in between appointments often via What's App
I work internationally.
I currently post out most consultation remedies to the UK. I need to check other countries. There is a charge for posting. Helios may need to post out due to new customs regulations.
Your reasons for eczema are completely unique to you and a full case history allows me to begin treatment.
Why not book a free 20-minute meeting, to see if you would like to work with me. Homeopathy clears from the inside out without just suppressing the symptoms. It takes patience, explanation, understanding and support from the homeopath. ​​